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Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

pengertian dalam bertransaksi di marketiva

Trading terminology

Merchants often with a chat on a variety of topics related to the financial markets, as well as its prospects and discuss ideas, trade and current movements in the markets. While communication with the other each time they use their slang to express thoughts, in the short form. Some of the most popular Slang is shown below.

Asset Allocation: The distribution of funds among different markets instrument for achieving maximum diversification or return.

Bear: A tender notice, lower prices than expected.

Tetu: A market believes that higher prices.

Chartist: A person who has charts and graphs of historical data to establish trends and reversals.

Counterparties: The organization either party, which runs from trade.

Day Trader: Speculator, positions in the instruments which will be paid before the end of the same award.

Economic indicators: a statistic shows that the rate of economic growth and trends in the retail sector such as sales and employment.

Exotic: a lower part of the contract in question.

Fast Market: Rapid movement in a market with a strong interest by buyers and / or sellers.

Fed: the Federal Reserve. FDIC membership is compulsory for members of the Federal Reserve.

GDP: the value of the total output of a country, of the revenue or expenditure within the physical borders of the country.

Treasury: The ability of a market, important transactions.

Level of resistance: a price, which is likely to rebound, but if defective may have the effect of a significant movement of course.

Spread: The difference between the bid and ask prices on the market for an instrument.

Support levels: if the price paid tribute to one or depreciate to a level where the analysis indicates there is a price to rebound.

Lightweight market: a market in which the volume of trade is low, and thereafter spread is wide and liquidity is low.

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